Project management tool for freelancers – Cazny

by Vincy. Last modified on April 28th, 2022.

Here is Cazny a project management tool for freelancers and am happy to share it with you. It is a feature-packed, hosted, and ready-to-use software. It enables you to better project management and saves your precious time.

It is an exclusive tool for freelancers to manage the full lifecycle of a project. The proposal, contract, client CRM, project, task, timesheet, invoices, and payment are the broad areas catered to.

cazny freelancer project management tool

Among all the good things Cazny has, one thing that I wish to highlight is the UI/UX design. All it will take is just 5 minutes to start using it to the fullest of its capability.

A spreadsheet will not help you to scale your business. You start as a freelancer, progress to creating a tiny team, then you graduate to become a freelance agency. You need an all-in-one tool and that is Cazny.

You definitely need a good tool to embark and succeed on this journey. Cazny will be a trustable subordinate for you. It will not be an overhead definitely.

It is brought to you with ritually followed design principles. Best-in-class security, ease of use, and analytical information are core features of Cazny.

Why Cazny?

If you answer “Yes” to any of the below questions, then Cazny is an option for you. If you say “Yes”, multiple times, then it is high time you start using Cazny.

  • Are you expecting to manage projects, clients, invoices, and payments in a single place?
  • Are you looking for a real-time connector that relates your freelancer’s projects, clients, invoices, and payments?
  • Do you expect to hire a flawless assistant to manage your running projects and tasks?
  • Do you have all your business data spread over assorted spreadsheets?
  • Do you frequently smash your head to get basic stats about the currently running projects?
  • Do you still use the age-old practice of unorganized email threads to manage projects?
  • Do you depend on anybody to know the open tasks of your projects?
  • Does it take an hour to get your income for the financial year?
  • Are you looking for a graphical presentation of your payment statistics?
  • Are you using multiple online software for client records, project-task management, invoicing, etc?

All the above questions have one magic answer, that is, Cazny. Go deeper into this article to see what is Cazny and how it is going to play a major role in your business.

How did it evolve?

When there is a boom in the number of running projects, management itself becomes a big project. My freelancing business is getting better by every day. As a freelancer, I struggled to deal with management work in parallel with the development and delivery.

We built software to help manage my day-to-day administrative activities. It got me out of this management struggle and saved me precious billable hours. It not only has relieved but also helped to scale up my freelance business.

Before Cazny I used to accept only a couple of projects in parallel. Now I have a team and do 10+ projects in parallel. See, what my clients are saying about my work. It became possible with the help of Cazny.

currently running projects

What is inside Cazny?

I have written more than 100 ‘what is inside’ tables of content for different products and projects. But here it will be a huge list if I add bullets for everything inside Cazny.

Let me present you a shrunk version of the list with key functionality.

Key features

  1. One unified software for all the needs of a freelancer for management
  2. Client CRM
  3. Flexible task management
  4. Timesheet log
  5. Income analytics
  6. Invoice generation
  7. Sales automation and payment tracking

Other features

  1. Custom fields
  2. Multi-language
  3. Simple search and advanced filters
  4. Connecting entities for relevancy
  5. Data security

Free signup and easy membership creation

Cazny allows you to signup for free with unlimited access to all features.

cazny signup

Members can subscribe at any moment within the trial period.

Project management with client CRM and tasks

This section describes the heart of this project management tool.

The complete tool goes around with these three core entities client, project, and task. The other entities of the project management tool are dependent on these primary assets.

client list add

Project scheduling with timesheet

Timesheet log is a critical component of a freelancer’s earnings. In my earlier days of being a freelancer, I lost income because of unorganized timesheet records.

All we need is a good tool and basic discipline. Cazny’s timesheet module is intuitive and easy to record task activities.

project timesheet

Invoice generation

As a freelancer, you can survive without a management tool for all the features but one. A professional invoice is a key to building your brand as a freelancer and continuing business with a client.

Cazny has an intuitive, WYSIWYG editor for generating invoices. It populates and drops down the dependent client/project data to generate data.

It is highly customizable to suit your business. It has more options that are too user-friendly in the context of invoice generation. Example,

  1. Preview invoice.
  2. Generate and download PDF.
  3. Share invoice to a client with just a click of a button.
  4. Email invoice from within the tool.

invoice template

Sales automation and payment tracking

Payments tracking at their best with Cazny both by data tables and graphs. Comparatively, the payment graph view helps freelancers to have a quick bird’s eye view of the income.

This is one of my long-time issues of searching for payment data manually on emails to calculate the income at the stage. Combined with filter, data table and charts, income analysis is just a breeze with Cazny.

payment table graph

More features of Cazny

All functionality uses rich features to provide a good user experience.

Custom fields

For each freelancer, the client, project, and task have unique columns. This project management tool is designed with minimal and most wanted fields.

If you need additional fields, this feature helps you to add more. It contains add, edit, and remove options on each entity.

custom field

Multi-language implementation

The multi-language implementation is made across the site. It is configurable by every member to suit your preference. For public pages, the language can be specified by choosing the option in the header dropdown.

The member can choose their language on the account settings page. Based on this selection, the application framework loads the content. Now you can manage your projects in your own native language.

Simple search and advanced filters

Cazny provides an efficient search feature. It has two types of filters to search among the project management tool.

  1. A simple keyword-based common search filter.
  2. A Field-specific criteria-based filter form.

Search is very quick and seamless.

project search filter

Connecting entities for relevancy

It is all about loading relevant data based on the parent entity. This is to load,

  • Clients by member
  • Projects by clients
  • Tasks by projects
  • Timesheet by tasks
  • Invoice to clients
  • Payments by project, invoices

Data security

It assures for security and protection of member-submitted data. It follows global norms and state-of-the-art tech to protect your data. Architected and developed by members with good experience. Also, a third-party security audit is conducted to ascertain the quality of the software.


As a seasoned freelancer with an agency, we built Cazny for our internal purposes. This has helped us to scale up our business by freeing up our valuable time from administrative activities.

We are launching the tool to you in the belief that it will save your precious time and allow you to focus more on billable hours. Please leave your feedback in the comments section.

Written by Vincy, a web developer with 15+ years of experience and a Masters degree in Computer Science. She specializes in building modern, lightweight websites using PHP, JavaScript, React, and related technologies. Phppot helps you in mastering web development through over a decade of publishing quality tutorials.

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