User License

This document provides the details of the ‘User License’ and is applicable for purchases done in my digital goods shop. It was last revised on 17 June 2019.

License Types

All the Product sold are covered by either a ‘User License’ or a ‘ Developer License‘. In summary, ‘User License’ is applicable when the Buyer does not want to make any customization to the Product and ‘Developer License’ otherwise.


Term Definition
Product Items sold are called products. Software components, applications, plugins, templates, themes and any items sold are referred to as “Product”s.
End Product Customized version (derivative) of a Product or a work that incorporates a Product.
End User A person who will use the installed Product or the End Product.
Developer A person who will customize or integrate the Product.
Buyer The person who makes the Product purchase and makes the payment either as an individual or on behalf of a company.
Non-Exclusive Means that the Product will also be sold to other Buyer similar to you.

Terms of User License

  1. The User License grants the Buyer, license to use the Product as an End User only.
  2. The license granted to the Buyer is non-exclusive and not transferable worldwide.
  3. Buyer shall not customize the Product or incorporate it or bundle it along with any other software. The Buyer can use the Product ‘as-is’ without any modification.
    1. Example: Buyer purchases a shopping cart application, installs it in a server, configures it as allowed by the configurable parameters in the Product and uses the End Product.
    2. Example: Buyer purchases a WordPress theme, installs it in the existing WordPress site and enables the theme and uses it.
    3. Example: Buyer purchases a Contact form component, integrates it in a Website and uploads to the server for use.
  4. Buyer shall not use the Product as core and provide Software as a service (SaaS). The Buyer needs to get the ‘Developer License’ for this purpose.
  5. The Buyer shall not remove the copyright notice from the code.
  6. The Buyer shall not install the Product in more than one instance. Buyer is granted only a single-installation, single-domain, single-client license.
    1. Example: Buyer purchases a Contact form component. It cannot be used in two different website domains. Buyer needs to make separate purchases.
  7. Buyer shall not in any strength act as a re-seller for the Product. If you wish to be a re-seller for a Product, then you need to get explicit written (email) permission from the author.
  8. Buyer shall not re-distribute a Product as an item or as part of a stock.
  9. Buyer shall not sub-license, pledge, lease or rent the Product.
  10. Buyer shall not advertise or market a Product. The Product cannot be installed as a demo application with a sole purpose of promoting the Product to potential customers.
  11. Buyer shall not allow End User to download the Product.
  12. Buyer shall not digitally transmit the Product or make it available in a network by any means.
  13. Apart from a single instance installation of the Product, the Buyer can retain a copy of the Product as an archive. The archive should not be published in intranet, Internet or in a shared network location. It should be retained as a backup only.
  14. Buyer shall not insert copyright claims in the Product. The buyer should not by any means act to mislead the End User as if the Product is owned by the Buyer.
  15. Buyer shall not copy any module, file, function, class or any portion of the Product.
  16. Buyer shall not use the Product in violation of any laws, regulations and in particular copyright infringements.
  17. The Product is provided ‘as is’, without any warranty of any kind. I take no responsibility for errors or omissions in the Product or document provided. The Buyer takes the entire risk of the results of the usage of the Product.
  18. In any case, the author or anyone who is involved in the development and sales shall not be liable in respect of any losses arising out of usage of Product, any losses of profit or anticipated savings or income, any losses of business, contracts or opportunities.
  19. Though I put ultimate effort to deliver a quality Product, there is a possibility of technical errors or any other inaccuracies and I am not liable for them or makes no obligation to update. To aid the Buyer in such situations the terms are governed by a separate Support policy as applicable.
  20. Refer refund policy to learn about refund process. You need to analyze the product page, screen shots and demo thoroughly before making the purchase. If you have any doubt, contact me and get it cleared before making the payment. I have deployed live demo for all the listed prodducts to help you understand them. I highly recommend you to try the product before you make the purchase decision. If by any chance, the demo is not available to you, contact me.
  21. In any case, the maximum liability for me in any dispute shall not be more than the price the Buyer have paid for the purchase of the Product.
  22. On usage of the Product, credits to the author is not required. But if you wish to show your gratitude, I always welcome it. If you do so, please inform me as you are in for a surprise gift.
  23. The license may be updated over the due course of time. The license text that was present during your purchase is applicable for your product during its lifetime.

I am committed to serve you in the best possible way. Please contact me for any questions and comments you have.

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