Cancellation and Refund Policy

This page was last revised on 3 February 2021.

We have consciously written this in simple and concise way. We believe
that this refund policy is fair and reasonable. If you find it otherwise,
please contact us. We are open for change.


Purchase and delivery is an instant automatic process. Delivery happens automatically via email to the customer email address. The deliver happens within couple of minutes immediately after the payment. So there is no scope for cancellation of the order and only refund is in the scope. Below are the detailed terms for the returns policy.

Terms of the Policy

You CAN claim a refund for the following reasons,

  1. There is a Defect which we are not able to fix.
  2. We did not respond to your email within three business days.
  3. A functionality described in Product page or demo is missing.

You CANNOT claim a refund for the following reasons,

  1. You have no particular reason, but want a refund. When you
    ask for a refund, you should quote one of the above three reasons.
  2. You do not need the Product now. You have bought an alternate Product,
    you changed your mind or similar reasons.
  3. You have mistakenly bought a wrong Product or License.
  4. Your environment setup is not compatible with the Product. Check the
    Product page to know its ‘Minimum Requirements’.
  5. You ‘expected’ a functionality that is not listed in Product page or
    demo. Kindly read through the Product page and browse through the demo
    before purchase.
  6. Due to non-functional reasons, like response time or throughput or any
    other similar parameters.
  7. You are finding it difficult to understand how to use or customize the

Refund Process Steps

You should claim for refund within ninety days of the purchase.

  1. You send an email with Order Number, Refund Reason (quote the exact
    point number 1, 2 or 3) and Defect detail with screenshots or video.
  2. Your refund request will be acknowledged within three business days,
    regardless of the response.
  3. Acceptance for refund will be approved and notified to you. If
    accepted, it may take a maximum of three business days to initiate the
    refund payment.
  4. The refund will be paid back through the same payment mode using which
    you made the purchase.
  5. The payment gateway provider deducts a service charge for every
    payment. That service charge will not be refunded, as we will not be
    getting that back.


  • You are expected to be a PHP developer to make customization to the
  • All the Product sold have gone through multiple rounds of Alpha and
    Beta testing. They are being used live by many of our clients across the
    globe. If you face an issue, mostly it will be due to environment server
    setup. In such a situation if requested, you should grant us FTP access.
    This is to analyze the Defect and fix the issue.


The term defect may seem obvious but it varies largely based on the
context. To define an understanding between us, we define Defect as “a
condition which does not meet a requirement as stated in Product page”. It
is an error that causes the Product to malfunction and produce incorrect
results eventually not performing a function as described in Product page.


We specialize in support. This is where we win our competition. We go the
extra mile and make sure that your investment is not wasted. Lightning
fast responses, quick fixes, updates and seamless communication. In
essense, you will realize every penny of your money is spent worthily.

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